Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Google Has Discovered The 5 Key Traits Employees Need To Succeed

Trusting the people you work with and believing in what you're doing are both more important than your colleagues' fancy pedigrees. Because even if you work with the most genius humans on the planet, you can't do good work for a sustained period of time if those people are selfish jerks and everyone is working in a fog of insecurity.
We all kind of knew this already, but Google actually did a study that came to a similar conclusion. On Tuesday, the company released the results of its work -- more than 200 interviews conducted over the past two years with Google employees, plus an analysis of various attributes and skills on different teams at the company. 

Reference: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/google-employee-success-traits_564cd621e4b031745cef50fe?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000063

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